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Warsztaty językowe w Krakowie
8 listopada 2013r. | Administrator

21 października uczniowie naszego liceum wzięli udział w warsztatach językowo - kulturowych w Krakowie. Celem warsztatów było zapoznanie się z kulturą i tradycją Szkocji oraz doskonalenie umiejętności komunikacyjnych w języku angielskim. Spotkanie było połączeniem nauki i zabawy. Uczniowie mieli okazję nauczyć się elementów tradycyjnego tańca szkockiego.


Relacja uczniów z klasy IIId:

On 21st October part of students from our school took part in a workshop on the culture of Scotland. Classes were conducted in English by two Scots. They were wearing folk costumes - kilts. Every Scottish clan has its own tartan pattern. Kilt is a festive outfit, worn during national holidays and family celebrations.

Scots showed us a traditional Scottish instrument – bagpipes. A bagpipe consists of a bag (made out of animal bladders, usually sheep, but today more and more popular are plastic), mouthpiece and reed. Bagpipes can be of different size. We also learned two dances. One of them was danced at the Ceilidh ceremony. It was a meeting of the Scottish Highlanders in which they danced, played, told different stories and talked. Depending on the region, the population of Scotland speaks different languages: Scottish English and Scottish Gaelic. Everyone really liked the workshop. We learned basic information about the culture of Scotland. We spent time in a very nice atmosphere. It was a combination of fun and learning.

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